Sopoci Drake

Malcolm Shute and Katie Sopoci Drake
Photo by Unifyed Visuals, Justin Williams

Katie Sopoci Drake has been on faculty at the University of Maryland College Park, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Nova Southeastern University, Miami Dade College, Carthage College, and Lawrence University. Her work on technology and distance collaboration has been published by the Journal of Dance Education, and her research into Laban’s space and effort affinities was presented at the 2015 NDEO conference and 2015 Conference on Teaching Somatics-Based Dance. This research resulted in the evening-length show Spacetime Suite, funded by a 2016 Dance Metro DC Presentation Grant.

Sopoci Drake is the Artistic Director of Spacetime Dance and a founding collaborator of the Mountain Empire Performance Collective. Her choreography has been performed by Momentum Dance Company, Wild Space Dance Company, The Florentine Opera, Lawrence University Opera, and many more. Her long-distance improvisation-based collaborations with Mountain Empire Performance Collective have been performed from New York to Oregon. As a performer, Sopoci Drake is described as a "sinuous, animal presence of great power" (Third Coast Digest, 6/12). She has had a national performing career with Spacetime Dance, Mountain Empire Performance Collective, RebollarDance, Mordine and Company Dance Theater, Momentum Dance Company, Wild Space Dance Company, and Rosy Simas Danse. Spacetime Dance’s 2019 and 2020 seasons have been funded by grants from the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities Fellowship Program.